Wednesday, October 20, 2010

autumnal rumblings

My toilet's running again, sheets have been on the line, whipping about for days now........opening a new artspace. Got up at 4 a.m. today to paint one wall sage green. Need friend to bring sage from NM, all my smudgesticks have sold or been given away.......must make smudgesticks.
Got a commission for another Guadalupe on a rusted truck bumper...well...where will I find another bumper? Hate to BUY one. It will come, a rusted truck bumper lottery on its way...yes?
Need a drill. Finishing up an artpiece for a Taos Hubcap show.
Want to built a rockstack.
Have an opening Friday night for a Tucsonan friend, Anne. Straw House looks's 6-9.
Pandora Radio on here in the Bel Canto Gallery where I have found myself working the last 4 days. THANKS for this opportunity. I am wearing jewelry I would never, could never purchase...what a gas!

Pink Triangles: The last known survivor tells his story

Pink Triangles: The last known survivor tells his story