Saturday, April 6, 2013

The mouth of Gaia
brightest white
Peaks of teeth fierce & beautiful
Majesty set on beds of piney green
Her watery breath
crests & rocks all life around me in undulating deepest
green-blue grace
An honor so vast
I am changed for every Eternity I might've ever imagined
Alaska's Teeth
have pierced me with a clear Divinity
Alaska's mouth opens to me &
my mouth opens,
tears streaming,
to receive her Soul~

Friday, January 11, 2013

your brilliant hands

cold and cloudy
a good day to drive
into lands where ravens loiter
and broken glass is beauty
life is a page
maul the paper with your mark
kiss your own hands
for the words
you were strong enough to set free
on an calm white ocean where
you might have doodled a flower
face your truths
let no one tell you lies
turn any corner you are gifted
neutralize your mind
it's love
all of it
doodle or maul

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dawn's Rush

Like silk de chine
peaches pearly ivory and gold
Bright desert sky scurries to shine its light
on the sickle moon that suckles
my evaporating dreams
Tall buildings cast a shadow on the Who that I am
and later at the shore
the sand covers all of the errors I have made
or wanted to make
of thought I'd made
Tall buildings crash to the ground in my mind
I choose to live in the trees
my life is an open ground
and i walk it
mostly steadily
always heartily
I forget that others have shadows
I shake to release myself from mine
It has just dawned on me
must be why I photograph shadows
Humans miss what they already know

are accustomed to, familiar with
I scurry to be less human

hits core of bone
a tiger's jaw
holds me fast ignites through firey pain, the thoughts I
fight to resist
I am a just-fallen tear
brush me away
I dry quickly
I blow away
and what is left is
the deeper truth
there are bite marks there

January 2013